Saturday, April 16, 2011

Travis' Solo Travels - April 10, 2011

I received an email from Travis. Here are some photos and comments from his new adventures. Travis has chosen not to tell me exactly where he is or who he is with. I can only assume from his comments and photos that he is somewhere in Wisconsin. Or at least he was when he sent this.

Dear Norm-
I can't believe it!  I'm in Wisconsin and LOVING it.  The weather hear sure was beautiful today! 

Sorry I had to leave in such a hurry.  When I met my new friends at the card game last night, and after a few drinks I was bold enough to ask them to help me broaden my horizons and they agreed! I just couldn't argue with you and I know you'll forgive me.

We first stopped at the border of Illinois and Wisconsin, and you know I have been to other states before, but man-never on my own!
It was an inspiring moment for me and I sure was busy today.
I am being put up in a nice house, modest and loving home and they even let me borrow their computer and I now have my own email account (I intentionally left out his new email address. I don't think I should encourage his behavior. Norm)
You can contact me there,  I may sign up for facebook, but we shall see how much time I get.  I feel like a foreign exchange student.  I am trying to find more "people" like me, broaden my horizons and maybe even sew some wild oats...?

I met a tall rough looking Angel that was surprised to see me. 

She's been waiting on that corner for awhile, and no one had paid her much notice but we had a nice long chat.

I got to see one of the worlds largest lakes today.. I think I've been by it before, but can't remember. Lake Michigan. 
It was awesome and so huge, but I didn't find any other gnomes there so we moved on to the seven bridges where you "enter this wood and view the wild haunts of nature." 

I am bushed and can not possibly write more tonight but already have much more to share with you soon.

Please say goodnight and thanks to Julia for her undying love and support in my personal quest. 
I will see you soon,   

I responded to Travis' email.
Hello Travis,

Aren't you special? Your own email account now. Impressive!

Should I take it that you are going to bail on me whenever you have a few tasty beverages and meet someone who smiles at you? I hope you have bus fare for when your new friends realize that you have NO MONEY and just basically are a freeloader. Forgive you? I'm not sure, but most likely. You got a LOT OF SPLAININ' to do.

Stay safe and stay in touch. By the way, did you forget your anger management classes?  The judge did NOT clear you to leave the state...


That was about it for our first exchange. I'll post more if and when he decides to update me. I would prefer that he do his own updates from where ever he is.


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