Hello all! How have you been? It has been a very busy couple of weeks and I am a bit behind on my blog. Time to fix that...

First, Painting at the EIEIO! Not a lot of fun, but it needed to be done. Joni has been after Jason to get the living room painted. Jason is a lot like me, not a big fan of paint, or painting. Jason is good at finding other things to do when it comes to painting. Joni thought she had him pinned down and he somehow wiggled free. I was VERY impressed! He is a star! Joni said nailing Jason down is like nailing Jello to a tree. Sometimes she makes no sense. Everyone knows you can't nail jello to a tree. You have to nail it to aluminum. But alas, one must keep the little woman happy. So, knowing it was time to paint I jumped in too.
For those places where I didn't have anything to stand on Joni helped out and let me use Brock's scaffolding.
It worked really great most of the time. The only problem was when I would finish my spot before Joni, then I had to wait around for her to catch up.
I'm not sure that Kate really knows how to paint though. She was all proud and said she was done, but LOOK at that wall! It was white & we were painting it peach. Kate painted lines on the wall. I had to go back over it and cover up all the spots she missed. (Joni said the color was tan. I think she needs to have her eyes tested... All of us guys said the same thing -peach- but we also knew it wasn't healthy to argue with Joni or the other girls who all said it was tan.)

I think I did a pretty good job of fixing Kate's lines. At least she made it easier for me. Thanks KC!

Brock was having a great time rolling around, getting under foot, playing with Norm's phone. It was all good until he started dialing people. When Brock was told he had to hang-up and give the phone back to Gbody he was none-to-happy.

Since Brock was a tad upset over the whole phone incident Jason said he would walk with Brock for a bit and listen to Brock's tales of torment. Within a couple of minutes, like any good dad, Jason had Brock calmed down. Like I said, Jason is my hero when it comes to wiggling out of painting.
Thats was about it for painting. I suppose I could drone on, like watching paint dry, but I'll spare you from that fun. Talk to you soon!
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