Officially - Nothing happened! We left Chicago on Saturday and returned on Wednesday (1:30 am) morning. That's it, that was our trip.
NOT! I never was any good at "official" stuff. Vegas was "the BOMB" "the cat's meow" everything they say it is PLUS! I love that place. Norm III and I are giving serious consideration to moving there permanently. I just have to convince him to take me along when he goes.
Ok, as you can see I got a little excited. There were so many things to do, places to see, and so much fun to have. You can really lose yourself in Vegas without hardly trying. I think the best part is that nobody thinks I'm weird or different. Everyone is just so accepting in Vegas. It also helps to carry a LOT of dollar bills. You have to tip everybody for every thing. I think that is why everybody is so happy to see you in Vegas.
Here are some of the photos of the trip (and some of the things I'm not suppose to tell...)
I got to meet THE Blues Brothers!!! They were hanging out at the airport waiting for a flight. Jake and Elwood are guys I really look up to! (OK, I look UP to most everyone, don't go there! You know what I mean.) They really know how to have a good time. I was hoping that they were headed to Las Vegas too. Elwood said no, they were heading to Florida.

The folks at the ticket counter were very fun and laughed when I mentioned that I thought their new idea of convertible planes was pretty cool. The flight out was pretty uneventful. I mentioned my joke to the flight attendant about convertible planes, he said it wasn't funny in any way. Then he used my convertible plane line when addressing the passengers before take-off. He was just a joke thief!
Pink birds... No, really, THEY'RE pink!! I don't know how they get them to stand still long enough to paint them pink, but the artist who paints them is pretty talented! I think this is one of those -don't tell- things. But pink birds? Whats next? (Maybe eel sandwiches!!)

Woo Whooo! Jackpot!
Norm told me I didn't need to yell every time the wheels stopped spinning. Then he explained how slot machines worked and yelling woo whoo should be reserved for amounts over $100. I felt a little foolish. The man next to me said it was ok though, that most newbies to Vegas didn't know the woo whoo rules either.
I always told Norm that Elvis wasn't dead! He just got tired of touring. Maybe NOW he'll believe me.
TWO Elvis' How much more proof could he need?

Being that sensitive I figured he was from Idaho or something.

Now we're talking. This was on a little street in New York. Which was really strange because I hadn't noticed that we left Las Vegas yet. Those l-o-n-g glasses are not iced tea. When celebrating ones 21st birthday what better way to kick off the celebration than with a glass that is almost than 20 inches tall?
I finished mine first. That was when Norm said we weren't racing. He was ok with it though and got me another one and said I should just slow down a bit. I could have sworn he said we were racing.

It might have had something to do with how many times she passed by with tasty beverages... (Or she was just being nice to the crazy people) Thanks Nicole.

Sleeping Lions (my favorite kind). Notice that they were sleeping until Norm decided to put me up by them. Then they were ALL awake and looking at me like some sort of appetizer.

I heard a familiar sound as we walking through one casino. I told Jules it sounded like a dialect of gnome that I hadn't heard for a long time. So we went to investigate and sure enough I found fellow travelling gnomes!
We hit it off immediately. I thought hanging with my gnomies would be a blast! They were spinning the reels and chattering and ringing bells and I was chattering right along with them. We were talking about our travels and the old country and good old fashioned eel sandwiches.
Unfortunately, I didn't realize that one of their clan wasn't very friendly and had sticky fingers. No, he wasn't eating candy or anything. He just reached in and picked my pocket of a $10 dollar bill. I wanted to say something and get my 10 dollars back. Norm said it was better to leave it alone so we just left. I don't mean to be judgemental or anything but it sure wasn't very nice of that clan to take my money and not even say thank-you.

After that little fiasco we decided it was best to head back to our hotel for a few hours of sleep.
Five hours later Kate & Kyle were at the door asking if we wanted to go to breakfast.
I will say this, the food was out of this world. No, I didn't find any eel sandwiches, but to be honest after a champagne breakfast I quit looking.
More about the food

This dessert worried me with the ball things on top. It looked rather bizzare, which is why I just had to try it. I just needed to gather my strength to venture out that far. It was great! Raspberry & pistachio... mmmmm....
After breakfast we lounged about by the hot tub and pool for a while.

I got a bit tired after enjoying the hot tub and decided it best to lay in the sun for a while.
Those are not all my empty containers.

The casinos I think were my favorite places. I loved all the clatter, bells, music, lights and especially the cheers when someone hit a jackpot.
Except.... the Monkees game.

Jules hit a winner on this game. It seemed like it was going to be a huge jackpot with all the noise and music. Considering how long it went on we thought Jules must have hit the jackpot of jackpots, because it wouldn't stop! It turned out that she won about $30. It got to be embarrassing sitting there while it kept going and going. And LOUD! It was the loudest machine we had ever played. We didn't play that one anymore. I'm not knocking winning $30, it was just too over the top for such a modest win.

More to my liking! Bells and flashing lights.

Besides Tiffany, I met some other interesting folks.

I was a bit tired of walking on Tuesday afternoon. Not finding any benches I thought it might be ok to sit on the hood of a car.

It wasn't a good choice... Orange is not a complimentary color on me. Besides the county didn't have any shirts that fit me.
I now understand the saying of What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.
Until next time,
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