This is me, Mike and Mrs. Mike {Jessica} to the right. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to call her Jessica just yet so I figured it was safer to refer to her in a proper and respectful way.
I met Mike at the Trailer-less Rally. He likes me to call him Homie. I thought he wanted me to call him homely. It seemed strange, but Mike is strange. I thought that might be insulting but since he asked, I did. He corrected me immediately. Homie is a fun loving, jovial kind of prankster as I mentioned in my earlier blog entry.
I wanted to break out a bit and travel solo. Its not that I didn't have fun with Jules, Norm and the family, I most certainly did and I fully intended to return home after just a few days. Things changed.
I asked Homie if it would be ok to catch a ride with him and Mrs. Mike and go it alone for a while. Homie immediately said yes. Homie of course had ulterior motives that I was totally unaware of. What I didn't know initially was that Homie was in need of medical attention.
After travelling around Wisconsin and being put up at Homie and Mrs. Mike's I learned that Homie needed surgery. Coincidentally he and I have the same blood type.
I also found out that Homie, like a lot of men, have an serious issue when it comes to pain. Homie likes to put on the tough guy persona, like most guys do. However, he is a complete cream puff when it comes to getting a "boo-boo" and surgery is a doozy of one. He needed a sympathetic ear and Mrs. Mike, like most women, have a LOT higher tolerance for pain. When Homie started whining and looking for some sympathy Mrs. Mike told him to suck it up because his pain didn't compare to childbirth.
I don't know what childbirth is, but Mrs. Mike was scary serious. You know, like a mama bear when her cubs are around. So, that is why I am staying for a while. I felt that since Homey helped me in my time of need I should do the same for him. Stick around to sooth and comfort Homie in his time of need and be that sympathetic ear. That is what I am doing now.
When he gets a bit better Homey said we were going to visit a famous and historical place called Lambeau Field. I am really looking forward to that, and Homey getting up and around some. My return home will be postponed for a few weeks but I'm sure we will still have some great fun here in Wisconsin while Homey heals up.
I''ll write again soon,
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