Since I didn't get in the wedding album we staged a shot |
Hi all!
Wow, did I do something different Friday. We all went to a place called The White Pines Inn, near Oregon, Illinois. It is within the state park and the place where Joni & Jason got married. The inn is a little restaurant and they host different kinds of entertainment. The setting is very quaint (Jules' word). I thought is was very friendly and small. The building is like a large cabin. We went to celebrate Julia & Jason's birthdays. Julia's sister, Jean, started it all by giving Jules tickets to the dinner theater. Normally I leave out any kind of advertising, but if you want to check out this location more here is a link
http://www.whitepinesinn.com/ because it is, to us, a special place.
The act that was scheduled (Willie and Company) was a ventriloquist. I'm not sure what a ventriloquist is, but Willie and Peggy were the people on stage and they had us all in stitches. Willie did most of the talking and singing.
Willie is the star and Peggy is his sidekick. At least that is what Willie said. I think Peggy was up there just so the guys had someone good looking to watch. (Don't tell Willie or Bill I said that.)
We had a few technical difficulties with the cameras so I don't have a lot of pictures during the show. I'm especially sad that I can't show you any pictures of Willie's granny. She is a pistol. No, not like gunz a blazin' kind of pistol, she is fun!
Part of the show had some audience members go up on stage to help Willie and Peggy with a skit they were doing. (See what I mean about the technical difficulties. The stage lights washed everyone out.)
The folks from the audience had to wear costumes and had certain things they had to do during the skit. It was hilarious.
During another part of the show Willie and Peggy asked that all military veterans come up on stage. Two gentlemen immediately went up. Norm stayed glued to his seat. Joni and I kept prodding him to go. He said he didn't want to because of what he had seen the other audience members have to do. We finally convinced him to go.
Norm was VERY nervous, especially when Peggy asked the three of them what branch of the service they were in. She even asked Norm how long he had been in. The other guys were Army vets and Norm was the only Navy vet.
Bill (Willie's dad and Peggy's husband is the stage hand) brought out a US flag and had the guys hold it.

It turned out that Norm had nothing to be nervous about. This part of the show was serious.
Willie and Company were paying their respects to ALL veterans, past and present, for having served. Norm always feels strange, proud, but strange, when that happens. There were a lot of other men and women that did a LOT more than he ever did during his time in the Navy.
Then we all sang America the Beautiful.

After the show Willie and Peggy were kind enough to hang around and talk to everyone and pose for pictures. If you ever get a chance to eat at the restaurant do so! The food is outstanding. I highly recommend the chicken pot pie and the broccoli salad.
After the show we checked into our cabins that we were going to stay overnight in.
This was the cabin that Jules, Norm and I stayed in. Norm told me to quit climbing on the cabin and to sit in the chair for a "nice" picture. I just had to show you the one I preferred.
Brock came down to our cabin to visit for a bit. Since his mom & dad usually don't let him watch TV we jumped at the chance since he was at grandma's cabin.
Then we went for a walk around the park. (This picture was really taken the following day but since we didn't bring the camera on our first walk it seemed to fit.)
Breakfast on Saturday morning was more great food and hanging with grandpa.
Norm should wear a hat like I do all the time...
After breakfast and before heading home we walked around the grounds some more.
I was really nervous when Joni suggested that I go with her, Jason and Brock for a picture on the other side of this stream.

Quickly working out the pecking order told me that if anyone slipped I was the first one that was going to go swimming. Not a pleasant thought. The picture turned out nice and thank goodness nobody slipped!
Ah, safety... I know why Brock feels safe in Jules' arms.
Plus, Brock let me wear his hat. Perhaps I should consider a new hat.
Too much safety isn't good for you. A little adrenaline now and again keeps you young (at least that is what Norm III always says). I love climbing on things. The higher the better.
We even found a playground...

Joni said I looked like I needed some help on the swing. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I went along.
When she jumped off unexpectedly in mid swing I thought I was going to die! Too much adrenalin isn't good for you either...
Brock thought it was hysterical and said I screamed like a little girl.
I was a little upset by Brock's comment, but quickly got over it. Especially when he said I could go with him and Joni down the slide. What fun.
We spent the better part of an hour climbing all over this playground. I can't remember how many times Brock, Norm and I went down those slides.
Its only natural to want to go back up the way you just came down.

Norm said the picture part of the sign said No Swimming. I didn't know he could read hieroglyphics. The no wading part I had covered. In other words, stay out of the water. Boring! I was just getting ready to violate the rules when I saw a white pick-up truck coming. It was a good thing I waited. It was the ranger.

Well, that about covers our trip to White Pines. It was a very fun trip. I'll be sure to fill you in about the trailer-less rally that we are suppose to attend later tonight. I'm still not sure what that means. I guess I'll find out. Until then, stay safe and have fun, Travis