I went with Jules Saturday to Joni's house because they were going to work on sewing curtains for Joni & Jason's room. Any time I can visit Brock is a good day! Visiting with Joni is pretty good too.
Anyhow, I especially liked this one train. It whistled and drove around and was very friendly. Brock said he liked it a lot because it drives his Dad crazy when he plays with it. Brock said any toy that makes noise or plays music is his favorite kind.
For some reason Brock thought it would be fun to add a green hat on top of my red hat. Brock seems to know a lot about what hat looks good. I just don't think he understands that you're only suppose to wear one at a time.
Well, about an hour after we got there is when the trouble started. Jules & Joni decided to have an Appletini while they worked. I'm not sure what an Appletini is, but I do know that after the third one they were giggling and not sewing anything! I never intended for this to get out, but yes, I can sew. I had to take over for Jules & Joni otherwise the curtains would have never gotten done.
I don't want to confuse anyone here. I don't sew for just any Josephine Shmoe. Although she did tip well, but I digress. Getting Jules and Joni to help with some of the measurements was trying to say the least. And watching them actually hang the curtains (since we all know about my being vertically challenged) was extremely entertaining.
I like using the zig-zag stitch the best. I think it adds that little extra something to my work.
I think they turned out quite good if I say so myself. After Jules & Joni hung the curtains they went back into the living room for more Appletinis. I should investigate those in the near future...
And just for kicks I made a couple of pillows for the bed.
It wasn't long after I had finished the curtains and pillows that Brock was getting a bit sleepy. So I read him a story and he fell fast asleep. Then I woke Joni & Jules up because they were sleeping in the living room. I think the Appletinis did their job.
That was my Saturday. I'll write more soon. Until then, stay out of trouble. If you can't, you better at least be able to run fast.