Friday, July 6, 2012

I can't call him that anymore's Birthday Bash - June 2012

(Norm 3's B-day Dinner, I can't use the nickname he had as a little kid, even though HE PICKED IT!) We really enjoy celebrating each others birthdays. On this special occasion it was Norm 3's 29C birthday.

Norm 3 decided when he was 29 he wasn't going to get any older. Thus, 29, 29A, 29B, this year 29C.

Scotch-a-roos for a birthday cake! How cool is that?

How silly of me. I forgot to introduce a new member of the family. This is Rufus, he lives with KC & Kyle.

Rufus said he is a bit of a hippie, but we don't judge folks. He said that since the 1960's were his favorite decade he wasn't going change and went back to the 60's in 1972. Numerous people have tried to talk Rufus into becoming more "current" and he just smiles a little, pats his pocket and says the 60's had the best of everything and he isn't going to change.

Rufus used to hang out with a country singer named Willie but recently there was a lot of commotion about the kind of incense they burned. Rufus is a BIG fan of Willie's incense. Rufus said after Willie got into some trouble about his choice of incense Rufus figured it was best to get on the road again, that was when he met KC & Kyle.

"Walter" the 1965 Aristocrat Lo-Liner
Now that I have met Rufus it got me thinking and I have to wonder about KC.

KC was the one that originally came up with the design for "Walter" one of the family campers. Now she meets and brings home Rufus to hang out with. Hmmm....

Strange incense, hippies, peace, love, counter culture. Hey, I LIKE IT!!!

Enough about Rufus, back to Norm 3's birthday bash dinner.

Jason, Heath & Joni

Marah & Heath
 You know the family,

KC & Kyle

   All attended of course. Hey, where is Brock?

The birthday star Norm 3, Liz, Rufus & me

Norm 3 has a major tendency to push the boundaries farther than they have ever been pushed. One lesson he learned from Norm was "It is better to beg for forgiveness, rather than to ask for permission" and Norm 3 even pushes that boundary sometimes much to Norm's chagrin.

Here is what I mean. What do most folks do when the waitstaff comes out and sings their rendition of Happy Birthday? The birthday person sits nervously, smiling, waiting for the song to end, right?!

Our server Sue telling Norm 3 to "Get Down"
He thought she said "Get Down" so he boogied harder
 Nope, not Norm 3! This is what he does...
Climbs up onto the chair and dances along to the music. Freaks out even the coolest of managers. (Uptight managers nearly have coronaries and normally need oxygen afterwards.)
But it is all in fun and if anything silly like falling off the chair were to happen Norm 3 would be told by Jules, "pick up the shattered pieces of your life and move on" and that would be the end of the matter. This clan tends to accept responsibility for their actions, even when the actions are kind of dangerous.

Naturally when we go out as a clan to celebrate, the server gets roped into the craziness too. This is Sue, our server, with Norm 3 , me & Liz.

Sue was a lot of fun and a fantastic server. What a terrific, hearty and memorable laugh she has. If you are going to have something that is contagious, have a laugh like Sues!

Thanks Sue, we had a great time, thanks in large part to you! (Now you can charge for autographs & be a bigger rock star!)


See, I told you Brock attended, I didn't think for a minute that ANYONE would actually doubt that what I say is total fact...but just in case some have yet to be convinced.

I would show you pictures of Norm 3 opening gifts, but this year he asked for boring gifts; CASH ONLY.

This is what he is using his birthday gifts for:

 A 1952 Chevy that needed a heart transplant. Out with the old tired in-line 6 cylinder and in will go a V8.

Well that will do it for this chapter.

Stay Safe but have fun,


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