How do you know that camping season is about to kick-off? It warms up and the snow melts? Nope, sometimes it still snows.
I think it helps sales of new campers too when folks can see how small the vintage campers were and the lack of amenities. Seriously, how did anyone survive without TV, the internet, cellphones and iPod shuffles in campgrounds?
Its a fun way to start the season. The campers get cleaned up for the first show 'n shine of the year, plus, Vacationland has good food and cool camping stuff.
Best of all is getting to visit with friends and reconnecting after the long, cold, dark winter.
Ok, it wasn't THAT long, cold or dark but who has creative license?
Yogi was as thrilled as I was. Vito thought Yogi needed to be searched first but I told him that Yogi was cool and an old friend. Vito was nervous but we got through it ok.
Yogi told Vito the guy to watch out for was BooBoo. I thought maybe Yogi fell and got hurt but he said BooBoo was a friend. Yogi is a little weird if he likes owies. I'm just not into that.
Mark on the other hand... is a major jokester. He had Vito all worked up.
I thought it was illegal to be that happy at work?
A celebratory toast to officially start the season was in order. Besides, the open house was about to end and it was 5 o'clock somewhere.
After the open house we descend on BJ's friend's (another Mark) house. He lives close to Vacationland and lets us camp overnight in the driveway.
Mark lets us use the outbuilding and we get to visit for a few more hours.
Hi George.
Since Vito was first meeting everyone and hadn't been camping with us yet, George said he would explain the ropes to him. I whispered to Vito that after he learned about the ropes from George, I would tell him how we did things when we went camping.
I showed Vito BJ's camper too.
After meeting everyone Vito felt it was ok to finally relax a little.
Camping 2015 is officially underway.
Hope to see you in the campgrounds this year.
Remember, Keep Smiling!
It makes people wonder what you have been up to!
Later tater,
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