Thursday, August 9, 2012

Video games; Crafts; Swimming; Bingo; Painting - July 2012

Lets be straight about this. I have been doing all sorts of things. I even took a bunch of pictures and had my picture taken a lot. But do you think for a second I would sit down and update my blog? This may sound like an excuse but I have been using my FB page more and posting "updates" there. Just not as in depth.

FB is more of a cheap, fast, flash in the pan sort of way to make updates. I suppose to a lot of folks that is sufficient. But to my true fans and friends the blog is the only way to really follow my antics. I agree, henceforth, less FB, more blog!

So, here is what I have been doing...

Hanging out in Malden

Not only is it quiet and peaceful (when the trains aren't going by blowing their horns...) it is entertaining.

I get to watch Norm mow the grass, do maintenance, and set up and take down campers. When the dogs come with it is especially fun watching Norm chase around after them with a shovel. Eeww...

While Norm is doing chores I am hanging out with Jules playing video games. Don't get me wrong! I would help mow, but Norm still won't let me drive the lawn tractor.

It may seem like I was winning, but I just tied up the round. Jules whomped me during the next round to win the game.

Jules is wicked good at whomping everyone at Dr. Mario. She loves being the champion! 

One drawback (sort of) to Malden is that Norm won't pop to have the internet (or TV) connected. So when we are there I can't update my blog, even if I wanted to.

I offered to call and have it hooked up. Do you think for a second that Norm would loan me his phone so I could call? Then maybe pay for the internet? NO way Jose! What a tightwad.

Doing crafts with Jules (and Norm)

Jules asked if Norm & I could make her a tea cup chandelier. It was another one of those times when she had more confidence in Norm than I do. If I didn't help him and show him how to do it, the light would have never been built.

 When I was finished Jules suggested that we drape little crystals from it.

So we sorted crystals and strung them together to hang on the light. It turned out really cool. Jules has such an eye for design!

Then Norm actually wired it in without electrocuting himself or burning down the house.
It really is neato!

Yep, real tea cups! Just drill a hole in them. They make great lights then, but are really bad at holding your tea.

Swimming in Wisconsin

Nobody believes me when I say I know how to swim.

For the last time, yes I do swim!

I can't say much about the accommodations though, although the pool was rather nice.

The no fun zone was in full effect. If its not a toy, where are the toys?

Clearly they don't have spell check at the local sign shop either.

Oops! My bad.
Played Bingo in Carpentersville

After reading how the games were called at the local bingo parlor I jumped right in. I am a big affectionado of bingo.

We hung out with one of Jules' high school friends, Brandi, and her family while we played.

From the left, Brandi, her husband Rick and KC. Rick & Brandi are always laughing and cutting up. Personally, I think Rick's wiring is a little loose, but we got along great.

They even had dancers. Rick commented that I should bust a move or two to show up the guy dancer that was sneaking into this shot. I didn't have the wardrobe to pull it off. So to speak...

More Painting

Everyone who really knows Jules understands that she is a gypsy way down deep in her soul. She has this wanderlust to travel and see different things. Well, they don't move every two or three years like they did when they first got married, so it means redoing the house instead. It has been two years...

Time to break out the paint brushes & rollers!
KC likes cutting in, Kyle doesn't paint (yet)

First things first. Cutting in.

Some people find this part to be the most enjoyable. Others prefer rolling.

Personally, I prefer watching, but that rarely happens.

I wasn't allowed to watch so I had to cut in. I was giving Big Bill pointers so he could paint for me in the future. Jules heard me teaching Big Bill and said we would have TWO painters in the future so we could paint more and faster.

She is cute, but that stinks.

Norm does the rolling. No free advertising on my blog, except of course for KC's school.

Finished. One of the advantages of having a smaller house and lots of help, the painting gets done quick.

Of course being finished sooner means more energy for horsing around too.

That shade of blue does NOT go with my outfit!

I better get to gettin'
Talk to you soon,


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