Norm & Jules' grandson Heath was baptized on Sunday the 27th. I'm sure most people wouldn't think twice about that. I certainly didn't, until I realized that I couldn't go into the church while I was still wearing my hat! My secret had to be unveiled. I NEVER like to take my hat off, much less take it off and there be a POSSIBILITY that I might get my picture taken. I would have never said anything, but this is a big event for the family and I dig Heath as much as Brock.
Yes, I am bald. So what.
There are a LOT of guys that wear hats all the time because they are follicly challenged. I just happen to be one of them.
So, now you know. For family you do anything.

Ok, now I can tell you about the day.
Heath had to have a bath before his big day and his dad, Jason, was taking care of that. I offered Jason some sage advice about washing behind Heath's ears and Heath immediately took issue with that. He said his dad knew everything there is to know about giving babies a bath. I just stayed out of the way after that.
Joni jumped in to help Jason when it was time to wash Heath's hair.
Little did Heath know that this wasn't going to be the only time he was going to have water poured over his head today!
Talk about scared half to death! I really was nervous about this walk...
At least I didn't get hit by lightening! The guy on the right told me to relax and that everything was going to be ok. Since we had similar hair I figured he was giving it to me straight.
It had been such a long time since I was last in church that I had checked with the pastor the week before. I certainly didn't want to be causing a ruckus or anything.
Father Tim Seigel is so cool! He said just because someone hasn't been to church in a long time doesn't mean they can't come back! Anyone, at any time, can go back and be welcomed. No judgements.
I even found out that the Catholic Church has done a bit of self evaluation lately. The church has made many changes and is currently doing everything it can to let everyone know that things have changed and that everyone who had left during the last few years should come back and see the changes.
This was during the baptism. In the Catholic religion we believe that babies are born with sin from Adam & Eve. The baptism washes that original sin away and the child is welcomed into the church.
I know in some religions that baptisms are done in a river. I personally prefer this way.
I'd be willing to bet that Father Tim prefers this way to standing in a river too. But that is just a guess on my part.
After the baptism we obviously have to take pictures with the godparents and parents. Heath was still a bit unhappy that the baptism water wasn't quite as warm as the water at home.
The godparents are Joni's sister, Kate, and Jason's brother, Brad.
Norm III, Liz & Marah and the cute guy in the middle you already know...
I was really excited because there were a lot of extended family members from both sides attending the party. Right after I took this picture I was grabbed by a couple of guys wearing suits and sunglasses. They took my camera and said that there were "certain celebrities" and politicians in attendance and that they didn't want any pictures taken.
Rubbing elbows with the elite of society is really cool. It stinks when you can't prove it though.
I was given back my camera at the end of the night.
So there you have it. Part of our Memorial Day weekend and another of my secrets revealed. I thought that after I gave up the fact that I sewed that I wouldn't have to give up any more of my secrets. What can I say? I'm an enigma...
See you.
Father Tim Seigel is so cool! He said just because someone hasn't been to church in a long time doesn't mean they can't come back! Anyone, at any time, can go back and be welcomed. No judgements.
I even found out that the Catholic Church has done a bit of self evaluation lately. The church has made many changes and is currently doing everything it can to let everyone know that things have changed and that everyone who had left during the last few years should come back and see the changes.
This is me and Father Tim.
Father Tim is the reason that Norm & Jules returned to the church after being gone for a long time.

Even Heath was impressed. I couldn't figure out why though that Heath could wear his hat but I couldn't.
I asked Norm afterwards and he said that once Heath was "in" he would have to abide by the rules too and couldn't wear a hat.
This was taken to show Jason's better side. Don't tell him I said that though. He is a LOT bigger than me and I don't heal as well as I used to.
I know in some religions that baptisms are done in a river. I personally prefer this way.
I'd be willing to bet that Father Tim prefers this way to standing in a river too. But that is just a guess on my part.
After the baptism we obviously have to take pictures with the godparents and parents. Heath was still a bit unhappy that the baptism water wasn't quite as warm as the water at home.
The godparents are Joni's sister, Kate, and Jason's brother, Brad.
Norm III, Liz & Marah and the cute guy in the middle you already know...
We left the church we went to Joni & Jason's house, also known as the E-I-E-I-O, for a celebratory party. This is the "snack" table.
I was really excited because there were a lot of extended family members from both sides attending the party. Right after I took this picture I was grabbed by a couple of guys wearing suits and sunglasses. They took my camera and said that there were "certain celebrities" and politicians in attendance and that they didn't want any pictures taken.
Rubbing elbows with the elite of society is really cool. It stinks when you can't prove it though.
I was given back my camera at the end of the night.
So there you have it. Part of our Memorial Day weekend and another of my secrets revealed. I thought that after I gave up the fact that I sewed that I wouldn't have to give up any more of my secrets. What can I say? I'm an enigma...
See you.