A little while back Norm and Jules started to think they were pirates.
Personally, as a REAL pirate, I can spot a phony from quite a distance. At least a yard arm or two. Jules is a beautiful pirate wench. Although, I'm not real partial to calling her a wench for fear that I might loose her affection. A pirate must follow the code though.
Norm, is not a pirate. Unsettling, but true. Yes, he says ARR, Aye and Matey a lot. Yes, he likes tasty beverages. But, he doesn't have a peg leg or a really awesome beard. So, he can't be a REAL pirate.

I'm a pirate. With a real pirate beard. Not to mention a cool bandana too.
Easy, even pirates drink Waffle House coffee.
Well, then THIS happened.

Do you know WHERE this picture was taken?
New Orleans, Louisiana!
Yes, the official Nawlins. Cajun food, THE French Quarter, more food, oh, and LOTS of tasty beverages. A 24 hour a day party, even when its not Mardi Gras.
One question....
Do you see me anywhere? Hmmm?
Nope! Left home.
They scoot off to Nawlins, my favorite place ever I might add.
They take Kyle, Baby Jules, Kate and Jason and renew their vows under the Tree of Life. Leaving me at home. Heck, I was there when the tree of life was just a sapling.
While I appreciate the gesture of trying to save my feelings, since Jules was saying yes again, but its NAWLINS! I think I would have gotten over myself after visiting my old stomping grounds in the French Quarter. If not, I'm sure I could have been swayed with a tasty beverage or three.
Well, since they decided to be pirates there was one, very cool, result...
They needed a camper with a pirate theme.
I know, I shouldn't yell. But I was so excited! Of course with my vast knowledge of real pirates, I immediately volunteered to be the decorator and care taker of said pirate camper.
I found a nice looking camper. A 1994 Four Winds. Newer than their other campers, but still nearly vintage at 24 years old. It had a bathroom and everything. No musty or bad smells, no major problems. The toilet and bath tub were new, so, I convinced them to get it.
After three days of being buttoned up we were finally getting started on the transformation to Pirate Camper. Almost immediately I noticed a peculiar odor. Norm did too and asked what I had been eating.
We started searching for the source. Not being able to readily identify the source we first just aired it out. Nope. Fans, more airing. Nope.
Then the "digging" into the camper in an effort to locate and remove the stink. Since I was overseeing the project I sent Norm underneath to search.
That was when we found out that I had been hoodwinked. The seller did a real good job of covering up the black mold, unsafe and rotten parts of a camper that should have been sent to the junk yard, instead of being sold. We found that we had done business with a less than respectable pirate. A costly mistake.
Jules and Norm did the right thing. They junked it so nobody would ever get sick fixing it. Norm was ready to make me walk the plank though.
Jules to the rescue!!
Jules had her heart set on having a pirate camper. I'm sure she had it all decorated in her brain, she just needed a camper to let it out on. She scoured websites, dealerships, marketplace pages, you name it. She found a specific camper model that was new, but looked retro / vintage.
Norm was not swayed. He still wanted me to walk the plank. Jules actually got him interested in a retro camper and I felt I might have a chance. Did I mention Jules has a charm that is irresistible?
It took Jules 3 more months! But then it happened...
Jules convinced Norm that their perfect pirate camper was a 2018, Riverside Retro RV, model 157.
There were only 13 left in the country that were still BRAND NEW. Worse yet, only TWO in the color selection that Jules wanted. One in Texas and one in Georgia.
Another few days, turned into a couple of weeks but then, everything fell into place.
Can you say... ROAD TRIP!!!
Welcome to Southland RV, in Norcross, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta. Everyone at the dealership was very friendly and helpful.
Yes, we found, bought and travelled to Georgia to get; Bootstrap Charlie!!

We also did a little shopping at the dealership too.
It was an exciting, yet exhausting weekend road trip. Illinois to Georgia and back, over 1700 miles, over the weekend.
Norm and I got along great the whole time.
At least that is what I thought until we got the pictures off the camera.
Back at ya buddy!
I was hungry.
Isn't she beautiful.
We were happy campers. Full tummies and a new camper.
On the way out to the car Norm said, "saddle up." I thought he lost it since we didn't have any horses.
It turns out he didn't have horses growing up either, but his dad would say that all the time. (It means, Get in the car!)
Casper and Bootstrap Charlie were waiting patiently.
I hear Willie Nelson...
"On the Road Again..."
(Sorry. Its stuck in my head now too.)
I'm sure some people think Norm and Jules might be a little off center. Cracked even. I don't debate alternative thinking. Besides, its fun to not really be sure where the roller coaster is going.
But seriously, buy a brand new camper and immediately take every decal and identifying sticker off of it. Yep, that's Jules and Norm.
Then make it your own. Apply your own touches.
A new awning. Wooden pier steps. Rum cases.
A hanging lamp. Candelabras.
A pirate flag
the name of the camper!
A personalized license plate has been ordered and is due to arrive in the next 20 days. No, it doesn't say Travis, but it should.
By the door is our "campground" logo.
Some interior changes. Curtains instead of blinds. Made by Jules of course, although I tried to help since I sew. She likes me, but apparently not enough to relinquish the sewing for Bootstrap Charlie.
Jules' awesome decorating includes her hand made treasure map.
Fleur de lis towel hooks.
Where do you get pirate skull and crossbones bath and hand towels anyway.
The universe knew we needed them.
I just love the way Jules decorates.
But the best part of all???
Jules convinced Norm to buy me a camper of my own!!
Thanks Jules!!
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Norm and Jules have a new baby grand-daughter.
Yeah, she's a pirate too.
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