I for one was not much of a fan of history as a youth. It seemed musty and old. Now that I am "older" I have a certain appreciation for it.
Mostly because it scares me that I remember doing things SO MANY years ago!
Remember back in 2011 when I wrote about Norm and Jules getting the property in Malden, in 2010?
Ah, the innocence of those early days. The bright dreams, hopes and aspirations.
Not that it was all seen through rose colored glasses.
We knew it was going to require a lot of effort. Looking back at photos I can't believe that they decided to tackle this project to begin with.

I was ready to bail as soon as I got inside Ilean.
But, Norm and Jules chose to stick it out. I couldn't run out and have them thinking I was afraid of work. Besides, I had to gnome-up and show Norm how to do most of the repairs.
Who could forget the scary building? (The thought of that building still gives me the willies!)
What we didn't know back then was how much the property would challenge us and how much it would change from then until now, 2018. We also didn't know how many tasty beverages would be consumed there! We didn't get to stay at Aluminum Acres as much as we wanted last year but we plan on making up for lost time this year! I am going to drive the golf cart whether Norm "allows" me to or not!!
I just realized that in these four original pictures, very little remains.
The van was replaced by a Suburban (Bubba). Ilean, after being remodeled and used for a couple of years, had to be demolished (Ilean: Farewell My Friend, Rest in Pieces - June 2015 blog entry). She was replaced by Big Shirley.
Of course the scary building was torn down as I mentioned in a previous post (Altering the Malden Skyline - April 2016). We met our new friends, Joe and Lani during the tearing down of the building, making the event that much more special!
Norm and Jules lost a building but gained Joe and Lani as new found children. Its really rather cool that in the loss of one thing, often times you find something new.
Clearly, I have been a serious SLACKER. This was a draft in the blog files. 2018!
Here it is 2023 and updates to the updates are in order!!
Norm said I should fill everyone in on all the happenings in separate entries. I think that is a good idea, but, first I'm going to need to sort through all of my notes. I may need a glass or three of tasty beverages to help the process along.
Some topics for future entries...
Rosie, the Gypsy Vardo.
Built from a hay wagon.
Alice, as in Alice in Wonderland.
It seems that Norm and Jules' "problem" with collecting campers is growing.
Bonus sneak peek, lighting changes at Aluminum Acres.
The crew expands.
Introducing Skeeter and Spade
Camp Runamuck!
Norm says that since I'm back I have to do chores if I want to stay. I have to find a way to get my chores done without doing them myself.
Maybe helping him build the bar in the basement of their new house could be something that would count. I'm pretty good at supervising him.
Oh, hey. Maybe I could do an entry on their new house, The Chateau Julia. Norm says no because its already been done on mugbook. We'll see. He's not in charge, Jules is.
See you later tater!
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