All packed and ready after getting the word that Jules convinced Norm to take me WITH them on their trip to New Orleans! Can you believe it? I'm giddy just thinking about going back. Ms. Marie Laveau has been beckoning me and today I get to answer the call. Yippee!!

While waiting at the airport I got a bit of the butterflies. No silly I didn't eat butterflies, I prefer eels. But my insides are all abuzz. Maybe its bees, but I thought that was in the knees. Any who, I'm nervous. I hope our pilot isn't new at this.
Jules told me to sit down and quit being a worry wart. She suggested a glass of wine, if necessary, but I had to chill. I told her I felt quite warm actually, but the idea of a glass of wine was an excellent one. Norm said I had to buy my own wine and to be quiet and sit down. I hope he relaxes some or this is going to be a long week.

Whoa, what a ride! We made it, although I am willing to bet that the plane needs a set of brakes. Unless screaming down the runway, with the front of the plane dipping down, threatening to flip, back over front, is normal. If it is, then we had an uneventful flight.
Day 1: Our first hotel was the Olivier House Hotel. This was the parlor. Norm said it would be a good picture. I don't think Norm realized what the guy next to me was doing. I noticed and made it a point to NOT look up at him. I'm not sure if he was showing off or trying to pee on me. I just wanted Norm to take the picture so I could get away.
The hotel is beautiful!! We made reservations for a street balcony room. Our first room had a balcony but was on the inside, off the courtyard. Jules wanted a street balcony so Norm talked to John at the desk. John, being the best guy in New Orleans, gave us a different room.
You guessed it!
The HONEYMOON suite!
This was the parlor in the suite.
This is the bedroom. A king size, four poster bed.
If it had white lines you could play soccer on it. It was that big.
In the parlor is this nifty chair. It is just my size. For those readers that don't know what that black thing on the table is.
Brace yourself....
It's a phone!! I know, I was just as surprised. It didn't light up and didn't have Internet. I forgot that was the kind of phone we had when I was much younger. Guess being old and somewhat forgetful has some perks. New surprises!
This was the bathroom. It was huge. The shower/tub was like a lake! It was that big! Wait, I already said that. Ignore that part.
But it was ginormous!
See, I told you it was a lake. I think I was standing on the boat dock. Although I didn't see any boats.
Then the angels sang....
Step out to the WRAP AROUND balcony!!!
Yep, as far as the eye can see. Well, at least to the end of the building where it turns.
This was our balcony. More about it later.
There was a quaint little elevator.
LITTLE being the best description.
Yes, standing sideways you are shoulder to shoulder with the walls in the elevator. Jules was a bit nervous.
The sign put a damper on my plans though.
So, since it was posted I felt obligated to break the rules.
It seemed perfect until the grump, or should I say Norm, put the kibosh on my plan.
He is getting to be a fuddy duddy.
They should at least take music requests then.
Finally, out and about. Let the eating begin!!
Back to some favorite places. A trip to NOLA doesn't count unless you eat at Johnny's Po Boys.
After breakfast we were heading to our favorite Nawlins spot.
On the way Norm saw this and immediately started babbling about work. Jules and I had to remind him that he was on vacation!
Do you think the truck's camera caught me getting my picture taken on the bumper? I wonder if these drivers get hazardous driving pay for this route?
Café Du Monde...
The best of the best. Who says you can't have dessert after breakfast?
With the always beautiful Jules.
Did you know if you have two desserts and spell it backwards it is STRESSED? Absolute PROOF that if you have TWO desserts it is the complete opposite of stressed! Norm said something about oxymoron. I told him no name calling and ignored him for a while.
After breakfast we walked around quite a bit and did some shopping. Lunch time finally rolled around and I got to have my first hurricane of the week at O'Brien's.
They taste better every time.
Here we go... Much to my surprise I learned that if you give this guy a hurricane or two (or four) he not only smiles, but he BUYS!! Woo Whoo this trip just got awesome! He can call me an oxymoron all he wants as long as he keeps his wallet open.
During round two we decided to head back to the hotel and enjoy the balcony for a little while. Or at least until we needed more tasty beverages.
On the way we (Norm) got hoodwinked! He was told he missed the sign and that it was illegal to drink on the streets of New Orleans. He actually stopped and got worried looking around for a sign. To quote comedian Bill Engvall..."Here's your sign."
Norm ended up donating to a local shelter (which is a good thing) and in exchange he got a couple of hats. This is the one I chose.
What a great line to get a tourist off balance. By the way, it is NOT illegal.
No, they weren't chasing down a bad guy or racing off to some crazy event somewhere. They just drive around with the lights flashing. Keeps troublemakers on their toes. It seems that since the squad cars are tiny golf cart looking things Norm was unable to help himself. Every time he saw one he would go, "Bee-do, Bee-do, Bee-do" like the Minion movies guy.
Dinner was at The House of Blues.
Of course another hurricane! Although tasty, it was not an O'Brien's hurricane. Jules told me not to mention that part to our waitress.
Our waitress, Karina, initially seemed a bit concerned that her guests were perhaps a little "off" but not necessarily dangerous.
She warmed up to us pretty quick when I turned on the charm. The ladies can't resist my great looks and personality.
Jules suggested that I have the shrimp and grits like she was having.
Everyone knows I like Jules a lot. But, if she ever suggests that you try something, do it. This dish was amazing. I was a little nervous though, thinking I was going to be eating sand (grits), but it turns out it is made from corn. And oh so tasty!
There are some things, like Vegas, that should just stay in Nawlins. Norm in a hotel bathrobe is one.
Goodnight all.
Day 2:
If you didn't want to take the ballroom elevator...
There was the lobby staircase.
We asked John about good breakfast spots. He suggested a couple and "The Coffee Pot" was the one we tried. Established in 1894, it was like a small town diner but the food was terrific.
After breakfast we wandered around in the French Market for a bit. We checked on Shoe Sole deserts and King Cakes at Loretta's. We also found out where Loretta's actual bakery was located. After a long walk we got to meet Miss Loretta herself! I don't think she knew what to think of me. Considering that she too is a celebrity.
Everyone it seemed was getting ready for Mardi Gras. I was really digging the vibe. Norm told me I couldn't have any more coffee and to quit buzzing. There is a huge difference in the way Nawlins feels before and after Mardi Gras. Norm and Jules said they actually like Nawlins more after Mardi Gras. I guess that is the difference, experience.
Speaking of experience...
When in Nawlins one MUST experience Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop. It is said to be haunted. Considering its been a favorite location of pirates since the late 1700s I am sure there have been a couple of disagreements. Still with no electricity (except in the bathroom) they do serve a fine voodoo daiquiri.
Norm and Jules were laughing at this.
I wonder how many voodoo daiquiris it took to arrive at this tidbit of intellect?
Bucket list item!!! We went on a cemetery tour. This was on the way. Yes, you can bring your voodoo drink with on the ride. No, you can't take it into the cemetery with you.
Mike was our driver and guide. Considering Mike's accent, he is not a native of New Orleans. He is a transplant like so many others. I think where Mike hails from they "pahk cahs in da yahd." Do you see which way Mike is sitting?
Mike really knew a lot about Nawlins though. My head would hurt carrying around all that information. I think he either really likes Nawlins or he studies at night.
This is where the famous Marie Laveau resides. Mike said voodoo wasn't just all evil and black magic stuff back in the 1700's. That it in fact was a good thing and a form of religion. Marie Laveau is said to have been a positive influence in the community and a practitioner of good voodoo. Once you leave New Orleans, Marie Laveau is said to be the person that keeps calling you back. I left her Norm's phone number just to be sure!
If you ever decide to get a crypt, I'm telling you, buy the perpetual care package! This guy did and he was entombed in the 1700's. The last family member to arrive did so in 1823. No other family to take care of the place and nobody else to be placed here and look at the condition, like new!
This is what happens to your crypt when there is no more family to take care of the place and you went cheap and didn't get the upgrade of perpetual care. Eventually this spot will have another crypt built on it when the rest of this disintegrates back into the earth. I hope the new owners buy the upgrade.
Speaking of reusing a crypt. This is where I got weirded out. I never knew... They keep putting more and more people into the same crypt! I was thinking it had to be pretty crowded after awhile. "Excuse me, everyone mooch over a bit grandpa needs to get in."
This crypt has been in use since the 1800's. There are a total of 84 (yes, I said 84) people entombed in this crypt. You better have liked your family a LOT.

The "rule of thumb" is that they wait a year and a day before reopening a crypt and putting a new relative in. Considering its Louisiana the heat is brutal. So, a year and a day means the heat of at least one full summer was working on whoever is inside. Eewww.
Then, once reopened, using a stick, they push the old resident to the back and then insert the new resident. Eventually there is a big pile of bones in the back. I know one job I would NEVER do!
Norm had to remind me once that it was in fact a cemetery and I should keep in mind that folks reside here. Goofing off might upset someone and you never want to have one of the residents leave with you.
This is Cole. He is the reason that Mike could sit backwards and talk to everyone and tell us about the stuff we were passing. Cole knew where to go and what was cool to see. He really enjoyed us thanking him for such a great tour.
I did have to tell Cole to chillax and quit trying to bite me. He is a really BIG guy and caught Norm off guard when he tried to bite me. Norm said he was just sniffing at me because he is used to guys like me running around on the forest floor, not taking tours. I thought about biting Norm again.
I was still contemplating whether or not to bite Norm when I suggested we get a tasty beverage. I was parched after the tour and my near death experience with Cole.
I really like Nawlins.
We thought hanging out in the casino for a little bit while drinking our new daiquiris was a great idea. Combined we ended up leaving with $30 more than we entered with and empty glasses. I thought it was brilliant!
We caught the trolley back to the central part of the French Quarter since the casino is out on the edge. Honestly, we were getting tired from walking all day.
We got to see a "Second Line" near Café du Monde...
We also found a spot that we planned to return to for a tasty beverage. It doubled as the starting point of the ghost tour too. Another bucket list item.
Finally, dinner was at the Chartres House.
A very well known Cajun restaurant.
What did Norm have you ask?
I'm not really sure why he likes Nawlins. It can't be because of the Cajun cuisine.
We were clearly not used to walking as much as we did today so we called it and headed back to the hotel and turned in early.
I'm going to make this a TWO PART entry because I still have a grunch of pictures to show you.
Stay tuned for part 2.