Not much change in the looks department, I am still gorgeous!
I have to wonder though how many of my peeps are still hanging around? I'm going to have to send a lot of cards. Being gone for over a year was tough!
I should try and explain the long gaps and why I stopped writing. I had a bit of a "thing" that made me very nervous. It was called criticism. At least that is what I heard it was called. Norm said I had a meltdown. I never felt squishy so I don't know what he was talking about.
I have never had criticism. Suggestions sure, but out and out mean talk? It was icky! It scared me real bad. Because I was scared I stopped writing.
Its not like I was hiding in a box or anything, I was still doing stuff, just not writing much about it.
Like supervising Jason. Brock and Heath even let me borrow their Gator to drive out to supervise like a rock star would.
He was making ditches for some reason. He said something about pumpkins. I didn't see any pumpkins, just chunks of dirt that he kept stirring up.
Anyhow, back to why I quit writing.
Criticism. What a funny sounding but powerful word. I guess I was just a bit sensitive and let it scare me. But it's ok now, I MET someone that said he would help me and I would never feel scared again.
A little background on my friend. He comes from Sicily. You know, by the toe of the boot. He said that he comes from a big family. His father is named Don. But he also said his father was the boss. I got confused somewhere along the line. He is much bigger than I am and isn't afraid of anything. He said sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to make things right and he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty for friends. I tend to keep my hands in my pockets.
Anyhow, he said that he would always be around to make sure I am not scared and if anyone were to bother me he would take care of them. He even said he might get his hands dirty if that person doesn't understand his suggestions. I can't figure out why he would rub his hands in the dirt if someone doesn't listen. Hey, he's from Sicily, maybe they do that there to make a point.
His name is Vito.
This is me, Vito and Big Bill. You can see how BIG Vito really is. Nobody messes with him! Because Vito is my bodyguard nobody is going to mess with me now either. Criticism talkers beware. Be nice and Vito won't have to get his hands dirty for you.
Talk to you all soon.
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