This picture was taken a mere second or two before the accident.
We were participating in the Progressive Cocktail and Appetizer Party. This was the hippie themed pod and was second to the last. Meaning that Big Bill, me and Norm all had been consuming "a few" tasty beverages.
Considering that Big Bill is more vertically challenged than even I am, we normally have to climb to get up on things for pictures. Occasionally Norm helps us up if there isn't an easy way for us to climb up. That was the case for this picture, Norm helped. Big mistake!
After the picture was taken Norm was helping us down. I'm not exactly sure how it happened. Norm picked up Big Bill, then me. As he picked me up I heard Big Bill yell, "Hey!"
Norm yelled, "Aw, shucks!" (Or something to that effect.) Then there was this blood curdling scream like I have never heard in my life. I assure you, I never want to hear it again! Then the most disturbing part, total silence. Everyone was standing there staring at me and Norm with their mouths open.
Then I saw Big Bill. He had fallen. It was extremely gross to see. Why do people take pictures at moments like that? We immediately jumped into action. Picking up the pieces of Big Bill's shattered life and gathering him up. Big Bill had obviously broken both of his legs!
A minute or two later when Big Bill regained consciousness he was in a lot of pain. We took him back to the camper and gave him a bottle of Vodka and put on a lot of bandages. After he had consumed about a third of the bottle we went back to the party. It was late and there wasn't anything else we could do for him at the time. Besides, he wasn't sharing, even though we still had our glasses.
We took Big Bill to the hospital the next morning. The doctors instantly admitted him and had Norm and me escorted off the property for being a danger to Big Bill. The doctors told us we were a threat to Big Bill's safety and that he should have been brought in immediately after he fell. They said we were lucky that he didn't die from his injury. I didn't want to tell the doctors that nobody was in any condition to drive when Big Bill fell.
I found out later that Big Bill underwent surgery within an hour of his arrival. I talked my way back into the hospital two days later, after the rally ended. I'm sure you already knew that nurses really like chocolate...
Big Bill wouldn't let me take any pictures at the hospital. He said he didn't feel right dressed in the hospital gown. Believe me, you would not have wanted to see what I saw. Those gowns tend to flap open without warning.
That is what we have been doing for the last four weeks. After multiple surgeries, traction, pins, screws, staples and a bottle or two of super glue, Big Bill is on the road to recovery!
We picked Big Bill up at the hospital today and brought him home! The doctors assured us that he will be able to walk again, but he might have a bit of a limp.
Until he recovers fully it will be riding in style for him in his new wheelchair.
We all got to sign his casts too. He has been real cool about letting us sign them.
Sometimes when Big Bill is sitting on the couch I read to him. It also makes it easier if Big Bill wants a drink of water or a snack. Instead of having to get back in his chair he just sends me.
Big Bill isn't a big fan of chicken soup. Turkey soup however is his favorite!
I am beginning to worry about Big Bill though. Whatever he says he wants, Norm runs right out and gets it for him. Soup, candy, pop, anything.
When Big Bill said he wanted a tasty beverage I thought Norm just went to get a couple bottles of beer. Nope, he came back with a bartender for Big Bill.
I think Norm harbors a little guilt.
Friends stop by too.
This is Fred, he's a fisher-gnome. Fred heard about Big Bill's accident and of course came right over. Fred will tell you stories like there is no tomorrow. Getting Fred to leave is usually a bit of a challenge.
Especially when they drink weird drinks. Fanci likes Shirley Temples.
That about covers what happened to Big Bill and what has been going on since. We are still hoping that Big Bill won't need any more procedures and will be up and about in the next few weeks.
Keeping our fingers crossed!
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