We finally made it to the Birds and Bovines Rally in Wisconsin!!
While I must admit I felt a little weird when I found out that a bovine was a cow. I thought they just had strange looking black and white dogs at the Horicon Marsh.
Oh yeah, the rally is at Ledge Park near Horicon, Wisconsin. Also known as Horicon Marsh.
Did you know that Illinois and Wisconsin have a similar state bird? Its a little thing with a real bad disposition and habit of biting. Its called a mosquito!
I think one of the best things about vintage camper rallies is getting to hang out with old friends while meeting and getting to know new friends. Well, not all of them are old, like Norm.
Vito and I were just sitting around talking when we went for a stroll. Generally in the direction of BJ's camper because we were running out of tasty beverages and BJ is known to usually have an extra one or two around.
We passed this on the way to BJ's.
Check it out! A tad young to be vintage, but that was ok since this rally doesn't restrict young campers. They encourage everyone to come and have fun. I really liked this one and tried to convince Norm that we needed one, a Travis special. Jules is on board already! Although it should be red like my hat. A gnome camper for sure.
This one belonged to Vicki and Jim.
Yee haw.....
A camper with a saddle. I couldn't find the horse that pulled the camper though. I think someone was saving the horse and riding the cowboy. I would hate to be stuck behind this one on a two lane road. Pokey!!
This was Bill and Anna's cowboy themed camper.
I didn't realize BJ was camped eight miles away. (At least it seemed that way, I was getting parched.) Whilst making our way we ran across a few other gnomes that were there. To say I was surprised was accurate!

One thing I knew, but this picture confirms.....
Blue hats can't keep up with red hats! This poor guy was passed out early.
I was convinced this guy was an elf, rather than a gnome. I was sure he was from the North Pole tribe, because of his black hat, but he said he was from Boston's South End neighborhood.
He even had the bling to prove it. He said only in the South End do they put diamonds in their teeth.
The green, I think, was just a hygiene thing since he had been eating pea soup when we met him. At least that is what I'm going with so I won't gag.
He was a real nice guy though. He said he was big into plaid when I asked about him having a black hat. I still don't know what that has to do with his hat, but ok. Weird, but nice.
I think this was one of the first rallies that I met more vertically challenged folks, like me, rather than tall people.
I was trying to talk to this cute round bovine when Vito started clearing his throat REAL LOUD. I didn't see the flamingo coming up behind me. It ended peacefully though after Vito let him go. He was just coming up to say hello and to let me know that the bovine was his girlfriend. Sorry fella. I hope your neck feels better soon.
On to BJ's!!
We made it!
Ahhh, a tasty beverage awaiting our arrival. I REALLY like BJ!
Sampson was as excited to see me as I was to see him. I learned however, don't look Sampson directly in the eyes. He gets freaked out. I assured him I wasn't interested in his bed but he kept yelling at me. I need to figure out how to understand dog. Between the arfs, yaps, barks, growls and whines I'm sure he was well meaning in his explanation. But who knows.
Ok, so I fibbed. You caught me. At least Sampson didn't.
His bed is nice and cozy and a great place to take a nap.
Our rally hostess, Jeanne, said that Horicon Marsh is beautiful at sunset and that we had to go up and see it. She also said we had to be careful that there were no railings to keep folks from falling off the ledge.
Turns out there is a 50 foot drop off right where we were, hiding in the bushes.
Sneaky little bugger.
(The sunset was nice too.)

You really need to see the sunset first hand to get a true appreciation for it.
After the sun set we had to scurry back to BJ's campsite before dark. I didn't want to be lost near the ledge without a flashlight.
Talk to you soon!