Joni, Jason & Brock aka Betty, Barney & Bam Bam Rubble |
Norm's sister (Barb) and her husband (Bob) have been having Halloween parties at their house for years. Each year it gets bigger and a bit crazier. This year was no exception.
It was a good thing that we arrived before dark. It would have completely spooked me to think I was walking into a backyard only to find out it was a cemetery!
I don't know who was in charge of burying all those people but they did a really bad job! There were bones and pieces everywhere.

This poor slob lost his body. He asked me if I could help him get reunited with the rest of his stuff. I didn't know what to tell him, mostly because there was so much stuff laying all around!
Look at this mess! Where do you start?
Its not like bones have serial numbers or anything. I just wished him luck and as I was walking away he started cussing at me. I thought about going back and punting him into the woods but decided he was frustrated so I just ignored him.
I started walking around and found out that it wasn't all rosy and cemetery like. They were actively trying to FILL the cemetery! I ran into Norm's brother Ed who said this guy was going to be the star of the show after dark. I didn't know what to say! How can a guy that has been hanged be the star of a show? He obviously couldn't recite his lines.
I knew Norm was weird but I think his siblings are a bit too weird for me.
I really couldn't take it so I climbed up to cut the rope. Norm & Ed said unless I was willing to join him I should simply climb down and walk away.
I did.
Seriously? I couldn't make up half of this stuff!
I figured the pictures would tell the story of how weird they really are.
Siamese twin Frankensteins....beheaded?
Where is the bar? I need a drink!
This was the pile next to the tree stump chopping block. I couldn't tell if the one on the bottom had tried to run at first so his feet were chopped off before his head. Considering that only his clothes were left I figured he had already been dumped off in the cemetery.
Not everything was scary. Instead of a regular hay ride they had a pumpkin coach driven by a ghost!
He said when he was still alive he made his living driving a stage coach for Wells Fargo in Nevada when I was a kid. But since the west had been tamed, and he died, it was getting harder and harder to find a good job driving, so he had to settle for Halloween gigs.
Brock was having fun running under this entryway and through the little castle building.
Brock and I had to stop running around for a minute and get our picture taken. We are such good friends that Brock will squish down a little so I don't feel so vertically challenged when we get our picture taken! He is so cool!
I stand on my tippy toes so he doesn't have to squish too much.
Time to eat! Well, at least eat a bunch of cookies before the big show.
Everything looked really neat after it got dark.
Then it was time....
This was taken right after the rope burned through.
That is Barb & Bob. I think they were Ozzy & Harriet.
Don't tell them I said this, but they won't need the costumes much longer! They are grandparents now too!
Unfortunately we had to leave shortly after the fire was started. Rosie needed to eat and get her shot.
It is always a good time seeing family, even if they are stranger than we are.
But that probably explains a lot,
But that probably explains a lot,